The benefits of exercise have been well documented. For example, in the blog post "How Entrepreneurs Can Prioritize Themselves," we provided ways founders can take care of their well-being, and movement was one tip.
But let's be honest, working out isn't fun for some. We've heard the excuses, especially from business owners. "I don't have time." "I can't afford a gym membership." "I'm not athletic."
According to Forbes, 80% of Americans don't get the recommended amount of physical activity—which, for adults, is at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity or at least 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic physical activity per week, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
An article on INC said "staying fit, as an entrepreneur, is important. It can help you live longer, and you will have more stamina to handle hectic days and stressful meetings and work well into your prime."
Whatever the excuse, incorporating fitness into your regular routine will make you a better founder.
Here are some low-cost suggestions to help you move during the day:
Move and Talk – We live in a Zoom world. Still, if there's a call you don't necessarily need to be seen on, how about participating while walking or on the elliptical? Challenge yourself to take one meeting a week via phone on the go.
Office Gym – Swap your desk chair for a stability ball. Use the kitchen table for standing push-ups. if your budget allows – invest in a desk treadmill or a cycle desk.
Incorporate the (Fur) Kids – Add 10 minutes to your dog walks or make fitness a family activity with kids-friendly yoga classes or hiking trips.
Turn Errands and Chores into a Workout – Hand wash dishes instead of using the dishwasher. Vacuuming, laundry, and cleaning allow your body to move and burn calories. Check out this article from WebMD for approximate calories burnt by common household tasks.
Sell or Display Your Products at a Market or Trade Show – Markets and trade shows are great opportunities to generate sales, get brand exposure, engage with customers, and MOVE. From setting up, walking the floor, meeting other vendors, and breaking down, you will be too busy to notice the steps tracker go through the roof.
Co-Work(out) – Have a coworking membership? Many companies work to provide their members with discounts from different providers, including gyms and fitness-related apps. Check to see if your coworking space has these types of relationships. Additionally, some of the newest facilities offer a dedicated workspace and athletic facilities. For example, Life Time Work, which aims to create workspaces with a world-class health club experience.
Regular exercise relieves stress, regulates sleep, produces mood-enhancing endorphins, increases stamina, and boosts creativity, all of which are imperative to be a successful entrepreneur. While it may be a struggle to find the time to implement a fitness regime, it will be well worth the inconvenience for both you and your company.