Stun your confrères with the vivacious cajolery of Schitt’s Creek’s most forcible denizen.
(Old Hollywood affectation and mixed British/Canadian/Mid-Atlantic accent optional.)
Toggery Clothing (noun)What to say: This toggery befits the next Fortune 500 founder
Peregrination A journey, especially a long meandering one (noun)What to say: It’s not easy, the peregrination of entrepreneurship isn’t for everyone
Scintilla A tiny trace or spark of a specified quantity or feeling (noun)What to say: I feel a scintilla of hope that we can end the gender pay gap
Thaumaturgy The working of miracles (noun)What to say: It was a real act of thaumaturgy that you got this to print on time
Heuristic Enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves (adjective)What to say: I take a heuristic approach to mentorship
Unasinous Equally stupid on both sides (adjective)What to say: I’d rather back out now than sign this unasinous deal
Buttress Support; increase the strength of or justification for; reinforce (verb)What to say: My pitch was buttressed by the advice I got at the Enthuse Foundation event
Sagacity The quality of being sagacious (shrewd) (noun)What to say: You’re a woman of great business sagacity
Clangorous full of or characterized by the presence of noise (adjective)What to say: I finished my pitch to clangorous applause from the judges and audience alike
Timorous Easily frightened (adjective)What to say: We can’t take a timorous approach to fundraising
Glee-ridden Excessively full of or supplied with glee (adjective)What to say: I’d be absolutely glee-ridden to chat strategy with you over lunch
Winsome Attractive or appealing in appearance or character (adjective)What to say: Your social media presence is truly winsome
Grinagog One who is always grinning (noun)What to say: Ever since I got that funding, I’ve turned into an unabating grinagog
Pettifogging Placing undue emphasis on petty details (adjective)What to say: Now is not the time for pettifogging technicalities, we have a strategy to build!
Dragoon Coerce into doing something (verb)What to say: I will not be dragooned into giving him a higher salary than the women who head the department
Bailiwick A person’s special domain (noun)What to say: Mentoring up-and-coming women is my bailiwick
Singultus Hiccup (medical) (noun)What to say: The presentation did hit a slight singultus when the fire alarm went off
Pecuniary Relating to or consisting of money (adjective)What to say: I’ve gained some pecuniary savvy in my time
Bombilate Buzz (verb)What to say: We are bombilating with anticipation to hear about your business