Inspiration for starting a business can come from anywhere. A product that you need to solve a problem. A new twist on a classic service. Or a desire to change the world.
In "Entrepreneurship—A Sustainable Career in More Ways Than One," we explained how consumers gravitate towards brands that commit to sustainable practices.
Increasingly, there's a trend among investors to put money behind "green" companies.
According to" Sustainable Signals," a study from Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing and Morgan Stanley Wealth Management, 77% of individual investors globally say they are interested in investing in companies or funds that aim to achieve market-rate financial returns while also considering positive social and/or environmental impact. Over half (57%) say their interest has increased in the last two years.
We spoke with a few founders who credited wanting to protect Mother Nature as a motivation for starting their businesses. Here are their stories.

Bottom Line: While the environment might not have motivated your specific business, there are still ways to make it eco-friendly and appeal to consumers' and investors' preferences. Check "How to Make Your CPG Business More Environmentally Friendly?" for tips and suggestions on implementing plant-friendly practices in your company.